Monday, January 11, 2010

Orange Puffle Coming Soon

The blogs I put on my blogroll are reliable blogs, to make sure of this I check this. My point is when I was checking them I saw that two of them had news about a new Orange Puffle! That would explain the ? mark puffle on a post on the "Whats's New Blog" on CP. I think tis might have to do with the new mission, mabey not. Either way here is the pic. ( I'm not sure if these are avalable in stores yet ) This pic. is from

For another pic. go to  You might have to scroll down a bit.



Anonymous said...

HI Im 1w34e
Great Job finding that
Your blog is fantastic!
From 1w34e
Ps You are awesome!

Snowy65174 said...

Thanks, I love to know I have fans!
